Wednesday, August 6, 2014

"Don't let the pink fool's a the Clover Club Cocktail"

The Clover Club was a group of intellectuals with it's roots in Philadelphia.  This group consisted of writers, bankers, lawyers and captains of industry.  The chief meeting spot was the Bellevue-Stratford Hotel.  According to the Waldorf Astoria Bar Book, the Clover Club became a staple of East Coast bars and hotels.  In its heyday the drink was described by Jack Townsend as being enjoyed by the pre-prohibition gentleman who would have fit in with those of the club, and was a "Distinguished patron of the oak-paneled lounge".  However, by the time Townsend was writing about the cocktail it was becoming unpopular, and was eventually all but forgotten.  The drink seems to have been in decline partly due to the use of raw egg whites in it.

The drink appears as early as 1917 in Thomas Bullock's "The Ideal Bartender" and is listed as... Fill large bar glass full of fine ice.  2 pony Raspberry Syrup.  2 jigger Dry Gin.  1 jigger French Vermouth.  White of 1 egg.  Shake well: strain into Cocktail glass and serve.

For my spin try this...

Barragan's Clover Club Cocktail

In a shaker combine...
2 oz Plymouth Gin
1 oz Dolin Vermouth de Chambery Blanc
1 oz Raspberry Syrup (recipe given in an earlier post...see June 29...Berliner Weisse)
1 egg white
1/2 oz Fresh Lemon Juice
Dry shake for 30 seconds so that egg whites emulsify.  Add ice and shake hard for an additional 15 seconds.  Strain into a Champagne Coupe Glass and garnish with three raspberries.

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