Saturday, November 29, 2014

"Tequila...a true gift of the gods"

Many call it the Devil's liquor, but did you know that this drink is actually a story of drinking one with a true divinity?  As legend tells, Quetzalcoatl and Mayahuel were fleeing tzizitzimime (star demons) and tried to disguise themselves as the branches of a tree.  Mayahuel was recognized and torn into small pieces.  Quetzalcoatl buried the pieces which in turn sprouted into the first maguey plants.

The maguey plant (or Agave) became the reincarnation of the goddess Mayahuel.  The sweet honey-like sap (aguamiel) was her blood.  The secret of fermenting the juice into pulque (a fermented non-distilled drink of the ancients) was given to man by the trickster figure, Tlacuache.

*Casa Orendain's field of Blue Weber Agave

Tequila was not officially produced until the middle 1700's.  The King of Spain granted land to Don Jose Antonio Cuervo to plant crops that could be turned into alcohol.  It was the first time the ancient pulque was distilled and eventually became known as Tequila.

Here is a winter warmer to enjoy with your divine tequila...

Hot Xocolat

1oz Herradura Reposado Tequila 
6 oz Mexican Hot Chocolate
2 oz Whipped Cream dusted with cinnamon, nutmeg, sugar and cayenne pepper

To make this Mexican Hot Chocolate I used Abuelita Mexican Chocolate (one whole disk crushed) to 2 cups of milk.  I also added 2 oz of Dark Belgium Chocolate and a pinch of cinnamon.  Stir until completely dissolved.

To make dusting use 1 tsp Cinnamon, 1 tsp Nutmeg, 1 tsp Sugar and 1/2 tsp Cayenne Pepper.  Mix in a separate bowl and distribute by pinching fingers and sprinkling accordingly.


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