Thursday, August 20, 2015

"Rochioli...a Russian River pioneer"

The Rocchioli family story begins like so many other early Sonoma/Napa immigrant family farming adventures...leaving their beloved Italy for the fertile ground of Northern California.  Originally from a small village just outside of Lucca, Michele and Menichina Rocchioli immigrated with their son Joe in 1911.  Joe labored alongside his father on Wohler Ranch in the Russian River Valley.

By 1920, Joe had elevated to ranch foreman but, he had higher aspirations of one day owning his own land.  In 1934 Joe Jr. was born and the now Rochioli (the second "C" was dropped) family re-located to Fenton Acres.  Although much of the land was dedicated to hops, string beans and prunes, Joe Sr. did grow grapes and sell a popular "jug wine".  Through hard work and determination, Joe Sr. and his wife Neoma purchased the Fenton Acres property.

You know you are close when you see this sign!

In 1959 Joe Sr. and Jr. planted Cabernet Sauvignon and Sauvignon Blanc grapes.  The Sauvignon Blanc was a strange new white grape to the valley and eventually became a very desirable high quality grape.  Today these vines are considered the oldest Sauvignon Blanc in California.  Unfortunately, the Cabernet did not fair as well and was pulled up and replaced in the late 60's and early 70's with Pinot Noir.  This was a risky undertaking because not much was known to the local farmers about this grape, at the time.  

By the 1970's Fenton Acre Pinot Noir grapes were being sold to Davis Bynum and then Williams Selyem by the early 1980's.  The grapes were something special and by 1983, Tom Rochioli, Joe Jr.'s son, convinced his father to change the name of the property from Fenton Acres to Rochioli Vineyards.  It was at this time that Tom took over as business manager of the winery and soon after became the winemaker.

A walk amongst the vines at Rochioli Vineyards

In 1987 the new Rochioli Vineyards released their first estate wine, the 1985 Rochioli Pinot Noir.  As validation to three generations of grape growing farmers, Wine Spectator named it as the "Best Pinot Noir in America."  

I have had Rochioli several times over the past years and one thing maintains consistent...this is some of the finest Pinot Noir made in the Russian River Valley!  Cheers to three generations of Rocchioli's and I look forward to the next generation!

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