Monday, September 26, 2016

The September Morn

Yet another classic Rum cocktail...this drink immediately caught my eye because it is based on another beloved cocktail, The Clover Club.  I just read about this in my recently acquired "The Gentlemen's Companion".  The author, Charles H. Baker, Jr., talks about this cocktail and mentions that he first discovered it in "the month of January 1926" which left me wondering, who originally documented the September Morn? 

Excerpt from The Gentlemen's Companion

"The Ideal Bartender" by Tom Bullock (1917) seems to be the first cocktail book to mention The September Morn, but he lists it with a base ingredient of Old Tom Gin.  As clearly stated in the excerpt above, this would make it a Clover Club.  Every other classic cocktail book that I have tracked as listing The September Morn, lists it as a rum based drink.  In this particular case, my research showed that one writer/bartender just didn't get all his facts straight.

As mentioned in "The Gentlemen's Companion", Mr. Baker first had this cocktail at the Hotel Inglaterra in Havana, Cuba.  This neoclassic hotel opened on December 23, 1875 and as of August 31, 2016, it is the first U.S. managed hotel since the Cuban Revolution.

Hotel Inglaterra, Havana, Cuba

Mr. Baker notes that the Polo Club in the Manila adds a bit of French Dry Vermouth to their September Morn, which is oddly enough, how I make my Clover Club.  I am not sure what I will find when I visit the Hotel Inglaterra next month, but I will certainly inquire if they still shake this classic...

for now, here is my rendition...

Barragan's September Morn

1 1/2 oz Bacardi Rum
1/2 oz Dolin Dry Vermouth
1 oz Lemon Juice
1 oz Raspberry Syrup (nothing beats homemade goodness)
1 egg white
3 fresh raspberies for garnish (things are just better in three's)

Begin with putting all ingredients in a shaker without ice.  Shake vigorously for 30 seconds.  Add ice and shake for additional 30 seconds.  Strain into a chilled coupe glass and garnish with 3 fresh raspberries.  This drink is light and refreshing...perfect for a humid day in Havana!


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