Monday, May 19, 2014

"They aren't playing games at Cigar City Brewing"

Being a West Coast imbiber can be difficult when it comes to East Coast Brews.  Cigar City Brewing is consistently rated amongst the best of these East Coast brews.  This Tampa brewery is well deserved of their praise.  Jai Alai India Pale Ale is a true "merry game" of flavors!  The name makes reference to a native game of the Basque region of Spain.  
This beer pours a golden copper color with a soft, fluffy, white foam head.  Beautiful citrus notes are immediately apparent, pink grapefruit and orange marmalade with delicious citrus bitterness that leads to myriad of caramel, citrus and tropical fruit notes for a long, lush finish...did I mention a hefty 7.5% ABV   Salud!

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