Sunday, July 5, 2015

"Rogue..the story of a Revolution"

Rogue Ales was founded in Ashland, Oregon in 1988 by three Nike,Inc. executives, Jack Joyce, Rob Strasser and Bob Woodell.  The company relocated to Newport, Oregon in 1989 and opened its flagship brew pub on the town's waterfront.  John C. Maier, current Brewmaster, joined the company a year later.

Rogue co-founder, Jack Joyce, met up with Mo Niemi, owner of Mo's restaurant chain.  Mo was well known for being generous, especially with her local community.  She was very interested in operating a brewpub on the Newport waterfront property her family owned, however, she was insistent on giving back to the community and said "...if you're lucky enough not to go broke, feed the fishermen."   In keeping with Mo's legacy, Joyce describes the company's goals as, "...keep making great product, keep trying to make our packaging great, keep trying to integrate ourselves in our communities, and keep creating unique thunder (in promotions)..."  Rogue maintains a company manifesto that expands on their values.

 Rogue currently operates several brewhouses in Oregon, Washington and California, as well as a few farm properties.

*Rogue Farms in Independence, Oregon grows many different kinds of hops

*In addition, these are the Hazelnuts that grace their Hazelnut Brown Ale

*This is the Chatoe Rogue Farmstead Brewery

*Just a little look around

*A pink pickup...nothing screams Rogue more than that!

*There were acres and acres of hop vines just starting to sprout

After a full day of wine tasting we ended up in Portland and made a fast-break to the Distillery and Public House...

*Because one does not live on wine alone

*One of my favorites...Hazelnut Brown Ale

Rogue now promotes a "Grow Your Own" philosophy for all that they do.  In addition to beers, Rogue now distills spirits.  The whiskeys could use a little more ageing, just a personal opinion, but the line is clean and well worth 'em out.

I have always had a fondness for Rogue Beers and whenever I see the Hazelnut Brown on tap, it is almost a given...thank you Rogue for all that you do!

Cheers to the Revolution!

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