Friday, June 13, 2014

"Lovin me some Cider"

With so many people looking for "gluten free" alternative adult beverages it is only natural that Ciders would again regain some attention in the spotlight.  I say again because this ancient beverage was once preferred over the finest wines in the courts of British Monarchs and was even referred to as "English Wine".  Nowadays it is referred to by many different names, sidra, cidre, cidre de glace and of course hard cider.
Ciders can be made with any varietal of apple, but as with wine makers, different varietals will no doubt create ones own typicity.  The apples are sorted, washed and milled before being pressed for the juice.  Next is when nature takes over and so begins the fermentation (producers still have to monitor and in certain cases will add wine or champagne yeast strains to ensure a successful fermentation).  Finally, to age or not to age...this is the choice a producer will make upon completion of the fermentation process.  As with any other fermented or distilled beauties, additional flavors and layers can be added by aging in various vessels.  
For this post I have offered two completely different styles of Cider.  The top photo shows Clos Normand Brut Cider produced by Cidrerie Duche de Longueville from Anneville-sur-Scie, France.  Made in the heart of the Normandy region of France, an area long known to have been a fine producer of ciders and apple brandies known as Calvados (yet another tasty fermented and distilled beauty that I will cover at a later date).  The cider is rich, full flavored and has a dry, slighty French Oak kissed finish.  The second photo down shows a recent find that blew my socks off!  Brewed by Virtue Cider in Fennville, Michigan, "The Mitten" is a Winter cider that blends last seasons best, aged in bourbon barrels (you heard me right, BOURBON BARRELS) with the new season's fresh pressed apple juice.  This tantalizing cider offers notes of vanilla, caramel and a hint of toasted American Oak.  I say don't wait for winter...drink it now and whenever the opportunity presents itself!
Barragan's Fig and Apple Grilled Cheese
Slice one quarter of an apple and 3 medium Black Mission Figs.  In a saute pan, melt 2 tbsp of non salted butter.  Add 1/2 cup of apple brandy (pictured is one of my favorite Calvados, Christian Drouin Coeur de Lion Pays d'Auge), grate fresh nutmeg and cinnamon with a pinch of salt and pepper.  Apples should be pliable but not mushy.  Set aside and on a flat skillet melt a dab of butter and place a slice of bread, I used a Tuscan Pane, and then layer slices of Gruyere and Triple Cream Brie Cheeses, then the apples and figs.  Butter the opposite side of the other slice of bread and then turn over and press down with a heavy pan.  Don't forget your Cider!  Sante!

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