Monday, June 30, 2014

"Only one can claim Oldest Brewery in the World"
I was putting together a beer program several years ago and I began looking for beers that were head and shoulders above the rest.  Then something caught my eye..."The Worlds Oldest Brewery".  I wanted to know more about this brewery, being a lover of history I was completely intrigued.
The Benedictine Weihenstephan Abbey was founded in 725 A.D. by Saint Corbinian at a monastery on Nahrberg Hill.  Speculation surrounds the brewing that may have been going on here, but what is for certain is that in the year 1040 A.D. Abbot Arnold succeeded in obtaining from the City of Freising a licence to brew and sell beer.  This marked the birth of the Weihenstephan Monastery Brewery.  Over the next several hundred years the abbey and its brewery were destroyed and rebuilt a few times.  Then in 1516 A.D., Duke Wilhelm IV of Bavaria issued the Bavarian Purity Law (Reinheitsgebot) on the steps of the Weihenstephan.  Thenceforth only barley, hops and water were used for brewing beer.  With this he secured the fame of the Bavarian brewery.  Through the years they continued to brew and in 1895 the school became an academy and was elevated in 1919 to the University for Agriculture and Brewing which was incorporated in the Technical University of Munich in 1930.  Thus Weihenstephan developed into the center of world brewing technology.

 Beer lovers all have their favorite style, for me it's wheat based ales.  I love the cloudy haze, the rich creamy head and of course all the different nuances...whether drinking a nice German Hefe or a Belgium Style Wit.  Throw in a hefty 7.7% ABV and its easy to understand why I love this weizenbock!  The nose is ripe with freshly baked pineapple upside down cake, wonderful tropical notes on the tongue  with a kiss of brioche on the finish and of course a nice warming feeling from the elevated alcohol level.  Prost!

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