Friday, October 17, 2014

"It's cold & flu season...make sure you take your Penicillin!"

Recently I read about a cocktail that was scotch based and it sounded quite delicious.  The drink was "Penicillin" and the bartender is Sam Ross.  As Ross tells it, in 2005 they had a bunch of scotch, but there weren't too many people drinking scotch cocktails.  He says that scotch was thought of as an "old man's" drink (his view...not mine) and he was looking for something new to pour at his then digs of Milk & Honey.

Penicillin in it's true form is an anti-biotic used to fight bacterial infections.  The ingenious part of the cocktail is that all of it's components have healing properties.  Ginger treats cancer, flatulence, motion sickness, arthritis, treats burns and more.  Lemon improves bowel movements, contains 22 anti-cancer compounds, rich in Vitamin C, B-complex vitamins, calcium and potassium as well as helps the body's metabolism.  Manuca Honey contains a lot of anti-bacterial properties and is used in treating burn victims.  Scotch...well it is a solution, not a problem.

*Sam Ross

I know it is getting cold in other parts of the United States, so make sure you get your daily dose of Penicillin!


2 oz of Balvenie 12 year
3/4 oz Fresh Lemon Juice
1/2 oz Fresh Ginger Juice
3/4 oz Manuca Honey Syrup (2 parts honey to 1 part water)

Shake all ingredients and chill and strain over a large ice cube

Top with 1/2 oz Balvenie 17 year Peated Cask and zest of lemon (discarded) and garnished with candied ginger

Thank you Sam!  Cheers!

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