Friday, October 3, 2014

"When life gives you lemons...grab a Hefe's a Radler!"

While we are still in the grasp of Oktoberfest, lets take a look at a popular summer month thirst-quencher...after-all it is 100 degrees today in Los Angeles.  In Bavaria there is a long standing tradition of drinking a particular Biermischgetrank (mixed beer drink) known as a Radler.  A radler simply translates as "cyclist".  During warmer months people ride their bikes and are known to stop and have a refreshing "beer cocktail" comprised of half German sparkling lemonade and a Hefe-Weizen.

The invention of the Radler has been widely attributed to the Munich gastronomer Franz Xaver Kugler in 1922.  This is disputed by other sources that claim to have been mentioned as early as 1912.  Whatever the true source is...a huge thank you for this tasty beer cocktail!


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