Tuesday, February 21, 2017

A feast for the senses...Regusci

The Regusci Winery is built on the remnants of the Occidental Wine Cellar that Gaetano Regusci purchased in 1932.  This Stag's Leap District winery just happens to be the southern neighbor of none other than Stag's Leap Wine Cellars.  If you are familiar with the Silverado Trail, then you have probably driven past this gem of a winery, but if you haven't ever stopped by to visit them, then you are missing a true piece of Napa history.

This was from my first visit to the old Occidental Wine Cellar

My first visit to this historic winery was quite a story in itself.  I had arrived in Napa with a plan to visit just three wineries and then spend the rest of the time relaxing and basking in the beauty of this majestic wine country.  I had spent my first day walking and touring another Silverado Trail classic, Quintessa.  After my visit, I took a nice southern drive down the Trail and pointed out to my friend all the many fantastic wineries that were on my restaurant list.  After a nice soak in the spa at Hall's Residence, we made our way to Bouchon for dinner.  I typically start at the bar with a cocktail, so we took the corner.  A big, jovial gentleman turned and asked me how my day was.  I explained that we had spent a day at Quintessa and then had a nice drive down the Trail.  Based on my explanation of the day he assessed that I was in the business.  I told him that I was the sommelier at Saddle Peak Lodge in Malibu and was here for a little R & R.  He asked me what wineries from the Silverado Trail were on my list, so I began working my way down the list...ZD, Rudd, Paraduxx, Silverado, Pine Ridge, Stag's Leap, Regusci, Chimney Rock, Clos Du Val, Darioush, etc.  He pursued the line of questioning with, "so what wines do you have from ZD, Rudd, Darioush, etc."  I obliged the stranger and then he asked, "Regusci?! Nobody caries Regusci!"  I then told him about Regusci's Merlot...I explained that I was on a mission to bring people back to merlot and that this beautiful Napa merlot was a game changer for many "No fucking merlot" drinkers.  He laughed.  Then extended his hand and said..."by the way, I am Jim Regusci"  We spent the rest of the night talking with this gentle giant of a man and he implored that we visit him at the winery the following day.  I have wanted to share this story, but I realized later that I only had two photos from the visit and in order to do this story justice, I would have to wait till my return to show just how beautiful this place really is.  As a side note, on the day of my last visit, I had told Mary Pat from Spottswoode that I would be stopping by Regusci later that day.  She told me how much she loved that winery!  Mary Pat had previously been employed at Stag's Leap and her office faced the old Occidental Winery.  She said she would often gaze out the window and stare at the magnificence of Regusci.  

Jim will be the first to tell you that he is a farmer.  He truly loves the idea of farming in a sustainable atmosphere and currently farms over 2,230 acres of vineyards.  In 1996, this family of farmers came full circle and started a winery.  Their first crush was 1,900 cases.  Today, they produce 6,500 cases of Estate wine.

The beautiful fountain that welcomes visitors

The dormant winter vines

Walking among the vines is always a pleasing experience

This was from my first visit, unfortunately most of this was draped for winter weather

Just more of the beautiful things you will see walking the grounds

I love how the winery sits back from the Trail...so peaceful

Regusci will forever hold a special place in my heart.  I have built so many amazing friendships here in Napa, but this chance meeting with Jim is one of my fondest memories.  Their story is one built on a family legacy and I implore you to stop by and visit his beautiful winery the next time you are in the area.

Cheers to the Regusci Family and all their efforts!

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