Thursday, February 9, 2017

Littorai...plural derivative of the Latin word Litor, which means the coasts.

Mention this Latin word to a Somm and they will tell you about a bad ass named, Ted Lemon.  I had the pleasure of meeting this guy many years ago and have loved and admired his wines ever since.  Ted is a true pioneer in the wine making industry.  His lifelong career began by receiving his Enology degree from the Universite de Dijon in 1981.  He worked at many prestigious wine estates in Burgundy, Domaine Georges Roumier, Domaine Dujac and Domaine de Villaine, just to name a few.  He was the first American to ever be a vineyard manager of a Burgundian estate and then eventually selected as winemaker, again a first!

Did you know? a nod to his nickname given by his Burgundian bretheren, each label is stamped with a "Comte de Lemon"

Ted's approach to wine making is one deeply rooted in Burgundian notion of terroir.  He has integrated his farming practices using traditional, agro-ecological and biodynamic principles.  Currently, Ted's farm sits on thirty acres atop a western Sonoma County hill.  On this site is Ted's complete vision of creating a living and breathing farm with a pulse.  This pulse is felt by all who visit this special place.

The Littorai Winery on the left, wetlands in the foreground and the Pivot Vineyard in the distance

All of the water used in wine production is recycled through an eco-sensitive constructed wetlands.  In the wetlands, plants naturally treat and recycle the water for reuse as irrigation water on the property.

The wetlands in the foreground with Ted's cows and again the Pivot Vineyard in the distance

As with all biodynamic vineyards, the goal is to produce a farm that is harmonious in nature and utilizes the resources produced within this environment.  Eight acres of the property are woods and streams, never to be developed.  Fourteen acres are open pasture dedicated to providing a home for the cows and hay which form the basis of their compost.  One quarter of these pasturelands are re-sown with legumes, grains and grasses every year.  Only natural teas and compost are applied to maintain the vigor of the greenery.  I was also surprised to hear that they are re-establishing native evergreen oak grasslands on three additional acres and restoring Redwood forests to the stream about leaving something for future generations!

These are the drying tables for the many different herbs, plants, flowers and roots that will make up the teas

Ted's display of terroir from the B.A. Thieriot of my favs!

Ted's own Pivot Vineyard

Somm in the vineyard

And this is Beau!

The winery is an innovative strawbale building with "green" architecture and environmentally and low impact-sensitive design.  The winery uses natural light air cooling to maintain appropriate temperatures for the cellars and working areas.  Of course it is built as a gravity flow site, so as not to employ any pneumatic pumps.

The tasting was set right in the winery with five different reds and two whites.  The wines were all incredibly balanced and show the difference between their individual and respective terroir.  Many times people will ask me, "what is your favorite wine?"  My response is always the same, depends on what I am doing, who I am with, what I am eating, but if you ask me for my favorite Pinot Noir's...this will always make the list!  

That is one happy Somm!

The man, the myth, the legend...Ted Lemon!

Seek these wines out because they are truly handcrafted beauties!

Thank you Ted for all your hard work and care of the land that you till...the proof is clearly evident! 


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