Wednesday, September 10, 2014

"I dip, you dip, we dip...Maker's Mark"

Maker's Mark was the catalyst for my epic trip across the United States last year with Danny.  I had signed up for their Ambassador program several years ago because I knew at some point I would like to visit Kentucky and what could be more of an incentive than to have your name on a about your own name on a label and the opportunity to hand dip your own bottle!?  

*This is the beginning of our tour of the grounds and distillery

*The Quart House is America's Oldest "retail package liquor store"

The Maker's Mark story begins with Bill Samuels, Sr purchasing the historic Burks Spring Distillery in Happy Hollow, Ky.  Bill was in pursuit of creating a softer wheated style of bourbon and in the end it was his wife, Margie, that helped make this iconic brand.

In 2002, the distillery expanded to meet the growth expectations.  Extra capacity wasn't achieved by upsizing equipment or by making the equipment more efficient.  It was achieved by replicating the existing 19th century equipment.

The distillery is immaculate and quite impressive.  Between the black and red color scheme every where you look along with the "maker's mark" branding and the sleek and polished copper(all thanks to Margie) was hard not to be in awe the entire tour.

*shhh...bourbon sleeping

*the iconic bottle dipping line

*usually the tasting signals the end of the tour...not for us!

*that is one happy Ambassador

Thank you Maker's Mark and the Samuels family for an amazing experience!  It was truly memorable.

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