Tuesday, September 16, 2014

"Viva Mexico...bebimos Margarita's"

In celebration of Mexico's Independence Day, I invite you all to raise a glass and drink the most classic of Mexican cocktails...The Margarita!  September 16 is the day Mexican's celebrate their independence from the Spanish.  This date signifies when Miguel Hidalgo, a local priest in Dolores, Guanajuato (coincidentally the same state my mother's family hails from) announced his intention to strike for independence and exhorted the people of Delores to join him.  This became know as the "Cry of Dolores".

*This is a mural of Miguel Hidalgo that we saw during our pilgrimage to see our family's native land

There are many stories as to the exact origin of this beloved cocktail.  Many sound credible, but I choose to believe in Hussong's Cantina version.  Hussong's is located in Ensenada, Mexico and is relatively close to California, my native home.  I have visited this bar several times so I go with my gut.  According to their lore a bartender by the name of Don Carlos Orozco created the concoction and the first person to try it was non other than the German Ambassador to Mexico's daughter, Margarita Henkel.  Orozco, pleased that she loved the cocktail, decided to name it after her.  His recipe was equal parts tequila, Cointreau and lime, served over ice in a salt-rimmed glass.

I have seen and experienced much debate over this drink...I have heard one cocktail historian refer to this as a tequila daisy, but I am not sure I agree with that.  I believe it is in direct lineage of the Brandy Crusta... from that the Sidecar...and finally to the Margarita.  I have spoken of the Crusta previously and at some point will address my beloved Sidecar, but for now...that is my story and I am sticking to it!  Viva Mexico!

Barragan's Margarita

2 oz Silver (Blanco) Tequila...pictured above is Herradura's Hacienda del Cristero *no longer available
1 oz Cointreau
1/2 oz Herradura Agave Nectar
1 oz Lime Juice
1/2 oz Lemon Juice
splash of Orange Juice
shake vigorously with ice and strain into a salt-rimmed glass with fresh ice


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